Sustainable Supply Chain
Sustainable supply chain

Sustainability in the supply chain
We ask our suppliers to guarantee a sustainable and responsible business model over time. We are committed to supporting them on their journey.
To guarantee the integrity and sustainability of the Company’s supply chain, the commitment of all the actors involved is fundamental.
The growing attention to sustainability issues and the need to measure, manage and mitigate environmental, social and governance risks, so-called ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), push us to increasingly promote and incentivize business responsibility not only for the Group, but above all for our suppliers.
We therefore require our suppliers not only competence and professionalism, but also adherence to company values and principles. Suppliers must mandatorily certify, through contractual documentation, that they have read the principles of the Italgas Code of Ethics, the Supplier Code of Ethics, and the Operational Regulation of the Qualification System, thus committing themselves to compliance with the relevant legislation,
workplace safety and health protection, environmental protection, as well as compliance with international standards in the field of labor law.
Furthermore, we require them to meet important criteria in terms of human and labor rights through acceptance of the Company’s Policy on Human Rights, health and safety, environmental protection and ethical and rigorous business management.
Among our priority objectives we place the constant monitoring of the environmental, social and governance impact on the entire supply chain, supporting our partners in their growth process.
Be a sustainable supplier
We are at the forefront of providing our partners with the support they need to integrate the required sustainability criteria into their business and strengthen their sustainability performance.
Becoming a responsible supplier means proactively meeting the requirements in three different areas.
To achieve the Company’s objectives, we are developing an Assessment path dedicated to ESG issues with the aim of undertaking a sustainability audit path for the growth and empowerment of suppliers.
Our aim is to create a cascade of sustainable suppliers and practices that flow smoothly throughout the supply chain. By selecting sustainable suppliers, our goals foster around improving environmental impact, highly committing to sustainability and building stronger relationships with our suppliers.

Suppliers’ Code of Ethics
As part of our commitment to responsible business practices, we have established a Suppliers’ Code of Ethics. Our Suppliers’ Code of Ethics serves as a guiding framework that outlines our expectations for responsible practices among our suppliers, ensuring that they share our values of integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct. By partnering with suppliers who share our values, we strive to create a sustainable and responsible value chain that positively impacts our stakeholders and the broader community.